Navanga, How Yoga Works

Class 1


Key Concept

Understand the how to use inner and outer methods to bring about the goals of yoga and break free from negative emotions.

Action Items: 

1. Journal: 

Keep a journal this week and record any of the 8 limb practices that you do and reflect - did you infuse them with wisdom and compassion? If not, how can you do so next time?

For example, did you infuse your meditation or yoga practice with intention? How was your breathing during asana? Did you track your ethics to see if you are living life according to your core values and principals?

2. Meditation (at least two times per week for at least 15 minutes):

Do a review meditation on how yoga works.  Begin by reviewing the “onion skin theory” and see how all of the layers interconnect.  Then, review the 8 limbs of yoga and think of how you can infuse every step of the path with the 9th step of compassion and wisdom.

3. Challenge:

Create a happiness calendar for yourself for the next month. Below is a nice example, but there are as many options as there is creativity.

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  • 10 Pre-recorded teaching classes.
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Yoga Studies Institute integrates yoga’s original wisdom into modern practice.
The Yoga Studies Institute is a 501 (c)(3) educational non-profit committed to offering the most pristine translations and relevant yogic teachings for use in everyday life. Our mission is to teach and promote the often overlooked “inner-practice” as it has been passed down from yoga’s originators. Explore our courses to experience the wisdom our team has learned from original Sanskrit and Tibetan translations and decades of practice.